Technologies of Web development and computer programming are constantly evolving. The job of developer is constantly renewed and requires continuous learning to stay up to date with the latest technological advances.
It is for this reason that we imagined an application to carry out simply an effective technological Watch.
Indeed, facing this extreme volatility of the job market where the most important hiring criteria fluctuate from year to year depending on trends, the developer, engineer, or any other technical profile must adapt his skills and knowledge thanks to technological Watch work.
It is about staying informed of the latest technological innovations in a systematic way. It is fundamental for any profile who wishes to evolve and keep as many doors as possible open on the job market but also for his personal projects.
This Technology Watch can be done on different channels and different media that share the information needed. It is possible to follow blog posts, news websites, YouTube channels, subscribe to newsletters and other feeds, etc.
Higher is the quality of the sources and the more regular is the collection of information, the better the Technology Watch will be. However, such activity consumes a lot of time. A time that you usually don't have.
Lunaar was developed to entirely manage the collection of information for you. Enter the keywords that interest you, select or add personalized sources and you will obtain a daily report containing a set of resources corresponding to your expectations. That is to say that each day, you will have a certain amount of links to information allowing you to ensure your Technology Watch.
No more wasted time: you will no longer have to consult all of your sources one by one, everything is gathered on Lunaar for efficiency.
Looking for a new experience in product development, we are making our maximum to provide the best services.